Unit 1 am / is / are
My name is Lisa. I’m 22. I’m American. I’m from Chicago. I’m a student. My father is a doctor and my mother is a journalist. My favorite color is blue. My favorite sports are football and swimming. I’m interested in art. I’m not interested in politics.

I | am | ( I’m) |
He she it | Is | (He’s she’s it’s) |
We you they | Are | (We’re you’re they’re) |
I | Am not | (I’m not) |
He she it | Is not | (He’s not or he isn’t she’s not or she isn’t it’s not or it isn’t) |
We you they | Are not | (We’re not or we aren’t you’re not or you aren’t they’re not or they aren’t) |
I’m cold. Can you close the window, please?
I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29.
Steve is ill. He’s in bed.
My brother is scared of dogs.
It’s ten o’clock. You’re late again.
Ann and I are good friends.
Your keys are on the table.
I’m tired, but I’m not hungry.
Lisa isn’t interested in politics. She’s interested in art.
James isn’t a teacher. He’s a student.
Those people aren’t English. They’re Australian.
It’s sunny today, but it isn’t warm.
That’s = that is / there’s = there is / here’s = here is
Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Look! There’s Chris.
‘Here’s your key.’ ‘Thank you.’
英語文法の学習をしたいです。「am / is / are」を使った例文を20個作って。日本語も付けて
英文 (English) | 日本語 (Japanese) |
1. I am a teacher. | 1. 私は教師です。 |
2. She is studying for her exams. | 2. 彼女は試験勉強をしています。 |
3. They are going to the park. | 3. 彼らは公園に行っています。 |
4. He is playing soccer with his friends. | 4. 彼は友達とサッカーをしています。 |
5. We are planning a trip to Japan. | 5. 私たちは日本への旅行を計画しています。 |
6. The cat is sleeping on the couch. | 6. その猫はソファーで眠っています。 |
7. You are my best friend. | 7. あなたは私の親友です。 |
8. It is raining outside. | 8. 外は雨です。 |
9. They are watching a movie at home. | 9. 彼らは家で映画を見ています。 |
10. She is singing in the choir. | 10. 彼女は合唱団で歌っています。 |
11. I am happy to see you. | 11. 私はあなたに会えてうれしいです。 |
12. The flowers are blooming in the garden. | 12. 花が庭で咲いています。 |
13. He is cooking dinner for his family. | 13. 彼は家族のために夕食を作っています。 |
14. They are playing board games together. | 14. 彼らは一緒にボードゲームをしています。 |
15. We are learning English grammar. | 15. 私たちは英文法を学んでいます。 |
16. The baby is sleeping in the crib. | 16. その赤ちゃんはベビーベッドで眠っています。 |
17. You are my favorite student. | 17. あなたは私のお気に入りの生徒です。 |
18. It is important to eat healthy food. | 18. 健康的な食事をすることは重要です。 |
19. She is writing a novel. | 19. 彼女は小説を書いています。 |
20. They are having a barbecue in the backyard. | 20. 彼らは裏庭でバーベキューをしています。 |
英単語 (English Word) | 日本語意味 (Japanese Meaning) |
teacher | 教師 |
studying | 勉強する |
exams | 試験 |
park | 公園 |
playing | 遊ぶ、プレーする |
soccer | サッカー |
friends | 友達 |
planning | 計画する |
trip | 旅行 |
Japan | 日本 |
cat | 猫 |
sleeping | 眠る、眠っている |
couch | ソファー |
best | 最高の、一番の |
raining | 雨が降る |
outside | 外 |
watching | 見る、見ている |
movie | 映画 |
home | 家 |
singing | 歌う、歌っている |
choir | 合唱団 |
happy | 幸せな、うれしい |
flowers | 花 |
blooming | 咲く、咲いている |
garden | 庭 |
cooking | 料理する |
dinner | 夕食 |
family | 家族 |
board | ボード |
games | ゲーム |
together | 一緒に |
learning | 学ぶ、学んでいる |
grammar | 文法 |
baby | 赤ちゃん |
crib | ベビーベッド |
favorite | お気に入りの |
student | 生徒 |
important | 重要な |
eat | 食べる |
healthy | 健康的な |
food | 食べ物 |
writing | 書く、書いている |
novel | 小説 |
barbecue | バーベキュー |
backyard | 裏庭 |
英単語 (English Word) | 日本語意味 (Japanese Meaning) | 同義語 (Synonyms) | 対義語 (Antonyms) |
teacher | 教師 | instructor | student |
studying | 勉強する | learning | ignoring |
exams | 試験 | tests | relaxation |
park | 公園 | playground | indoors |
playing | 遊ぶ、プレーする | having fun | working |
soccer | サッカー | football | basketball |
friends | 友達 | buddies | enemies |
planning | 計画する | organizing | spontaneous |
trip | 旅行 | journey | staycation |
Japan | 日本 | N/A | N/A |
cat | 猫 | kitty | dog |
sleeping | 眠る、眠っている | napping | awake |
couch | ソファー | sofa | bed |
best | 最高の、一番の | top | worst |
raining | 雨が降る | showering | sunny |
outside | 外 | outdoors | inside |
watching | 見る、見ている | observing | ignoring |
movie | 映画 | film | book |
home | 家 | house | away |
singing | 歌う、歌っている | vocalizing | silent |
choir | 合唱団 | chorus | solo |
happy | 幸せな、うれしい | joyful | sad |
flowers | 花 | blooms | weeds |
blooming | 咲く、咲いている | blossoming | withering |
garden | 庭 | yard | apartment |
cooking | 料理する | preparing | ordering |
dinner | 夕食 | supper | breakfast |
family | 家族 | relatives | strangers |
board | ボード | plank | card |
games | ゲーム | activities | chores |
together | 一緒に | with | apart |
learning | 学ぶ、学んでいる | studying | forgetting |
grammar | 文法 | syntax | slang |
baby | 赤ちゃん | infant | adult |
crib | ベビーベッド | cot | bed |
favorite | お気に入りの | preferred | disliked |
student | 生徒 | pupil | teacher |
important | 重要な | significant | trivial |
eat | 食べる | consume | fast |
healthy | 健康的な | nutritious | unhealthy |
food | 食べ物 | cuisine | drink |
writing | 書く、書いている | composing | erasing |
novel | 小説 | fiction | nonfiction |
barbecue | バーベキュー | grill | microwave |
backyard | 裏庭 | garden | front yard |
- teacher (教師):
- 同義語: instructor (インストラクター)
- 使い分け: “teacher” は一般的な教育環境での教師を指します。一方で、”instructor” はより専門的な訓練や指導を行う人を指すことがあります。たとえば、運転学校の講師はしばしば “instructor” と呼ばれます。
- studying (勉強する):
- 同義語: learning (学ぶ)
- 使い分け: “studying” は具体的なテキストや教材を使用して知識を獲得しようとする活動を指します。一方で、”learning” は広範囲な知識やスキルの獲得を指し、学習プロセス全体をカバーします。
- park (公園):
- 同義語: playground (遊び場)
- 使い分け: “park” は一般的に大きな自然の公園や都市の公園を指します。一方で、”playground” は特に子供たちが遊ぶための設備やスペースを指します。
- playing (遊ぶ、プレーする):
- 同義語: having fun (楽しむ)
- 使い分け: “playing” は広い意味での遊びや娯楽活動を指しますが、”having fun” は楽しみや喜びを経験することを強調します。
- soccer (サッカー):
- 同義語: football (フットボール)
- 使い分け: “soccer” はアメリカ英語で、”football” はイギリス英語で、同じスポーツを指しますが、地域によって異なる言葉が使用されます。
- friends (友達):
- 同義語: buddies (仲間)
- 使い分け: “friends” は一般的な友人や親しい関係を指し、”buddies” はよりカジュアルな言葉で、親しい友人や仲間を指します。
英文 (English) | 日本語 (Japanese) |
The teacher helped the students with their homework. | 先生が生徒たちの宿題を手伝いました。 |
The instructor provided clear instructions. | インストラクターが明確な指示を提供しました。 |
She enjoys studying languages in her free time. | 彼女は自由な時間に言語を勉強することを楽しんでいます。 |
He’s learning to play the guitar. | 彼はギターを弾くことを学んでいます。 |
The children played on the playground equipment. | 子供たちは遊具で遊びました。 |
We had a picnic in the park yesterday. | 私たちは昨日公園でピクニックをしました。 |
They’re playing basketball at the gym. | 彼らは体育館でバスケットボールをしています。 |
Let’s go out and have fun tonight! | 今夜外出して楽しもう! |
Soccer is his favorite sport. | サッカーは彼の好きなスポーツです。 |
He watches football matches every weekend. | 彼は毎週末フットボールの試合を見ています。 |
They’re all good friends from college. | 彼らはみんな大学の仲良しです。 |
He and his buddies hang out on weekends. | 彼と彼の仲間は週末に出かけます。 |
We’re planning a trip to Europe next summer. | 私たちは来夏にヨーロッパへの旅行を計画しています。 |
She’s organizing a surprise party for her friend. | 彼女は友人のためのサプライズパーティーを準備しています。 |
Japan is a popular destination for tourists. | 日本は観光客に人気のある目的地です。 |
They’re going on a journey around the world. | 彼らは世界中を旅行します。 |
The cat slept peacefully on the window sill. | 猫が窓辺で穏やかに眠っていました。 |
My kitty loves to play with yarn. | 私の子猫は毛糸で遊ぶのが大好きです。 |
It’s raining heavily outside right now. | 今外は激しく雨が降っています。 |
Let’s stay indoors until the rain stops. | 雨が止むまで室内にいましょう。 |
Write am, is or are.
The weather is nice today. (Is)
I am not rich. (Am)
This bag is heavy. (Is)
These bags are heavy. (Are)
Look! There is Helen. (Is)
My brother and I are good tennis players. (Are)
Emily is at home. (Is) Her children are at school. (Are)
I am a taxi driver. (Am) My sister is a nurse. (Is)
Write am, is, or are for each sentence:
- They are going to the beach tomorrow.
- Sarah is studying for her exams.
- We are planning a trip to Europe next summer.
- The movie is starting at 7 PM.
- He is not feeling well today.
- I am happy to see you again.
- The flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully.
- It is important to eat a balanced diet.
- She is a talented musician.
- The children are playing in the backyard.
Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use is / isn’t or are / aren’t
(It/hot today) It isn’t hot today or It’s hot today.
(It/windy today) It isn’t windy today or It’s windy today.
(My hands/cold) My hands aren’t cold or My hands are cold.
(Brazil/a very big country) Brazil isn’t a very big country or Brazil is a very big country.
(Diamonds/cheap) Diamonds aren’t cheap or Diamonds are cheap.
(Toronto/in the US) Toronto isn’t in the Us or Toronto is in the US.
Write true sentences, positive or negative.
Use is / isn’t or are / aren’t for each statement:
- (The sun/bright today) The sun is bright today.
- (My cat/friendly) My cat isn’t friendly.
- (English/easy to learn) English isn’t easy to learn.
- (Mount Everest/the tallest mountain in the world)
Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. - (Winter/cold season) Winter is a cold season.
- (My keys/lost) My keys aren’t lost.
- (Dogs/intelligent animals) Dogs are intelligent animals.
- (Coffee/bitter) Coffee isn’t bitter.
- (Summer/hot season) Summer is a hot season.
- (Mathematics/easy subject) Mathematics isn’t an easy subject.
英単語 | 日本語意味 |
proficient | 熟練した、堪能な |
rigorous | 厳格な、厳密な |
competent | 能力がある、適任の |
imperative | 必須の、必要不可欠な |
coherent | 首尾一貫した、論理的な |
articulate | はっきり述べる、明確な |
profound | 深い、奥深い |
encompass | 取り囲む、包含する |
conducive | 有利な、好都合な |
discrepancy | 相違、食い違い |
discern | 識別する、見分ける |
plausible | もっともらしい、信じられる |
intricate | 複雑な、込み入った |
corroborate | 裏付ける、確証する |
substantiate | 裏付ける、実証する |
delineate | 明確に描く、詳細に説明する |
exacerbate | 悪化させる、悪化させる |
mitigate | 緩和する、和らげる |
proliferate | 拡大する、増殖する |
transcend | 超越する、優れる |
- His proficient language skills helped him secure the job.
彼の熟練した言語能力が彼がその仕事を確保するのに役立ちました。 - The company has implemented rigorous safety measures in the workplace.
その会社は職場に厳格な安全対策を導入しました。 - She is a competent leader who knows how to handle difficult situations.
彼女は難しい状況をどのように処理すべきかを知っている能力のあるリーダーです。 - Following the instructions is imperative to complete the project on time.
プロジェクトを時間通りに完了するためには、指示に従うことが必要不可欠です。 - The speaker delivered a coherent presentation that captivated the audience.
スピーカーは聴衆を魅了した首尾一貫したプレゼンテーションを行いました。 - His articulate explanation clarified the complex topic for the students.
彼の明確な説明が学生たちに複雑なトピックを明確にしました。 - The book explores profound philosophical questions about the nature of existence.
その本は存在の本質に関する深遠な哲学的な問いを探求しています。 - The new policy will encompass a wide range of social issues.
新しい方針は幅広い社会問題を包括します。 - Positive feedback from customers is conducive to business growth.
顧客からの肯定的なフィードバックはビジネスの成長に好都合です。 - There is a discrepancy between the sales figures reported by the two departments.
Over the years, AI, or Artificial Intelligence, has evolved significantly, impacting various aspects of our lives. Initially, AI was simple, performing basic tasks like calculations. However, with advancements in technology, AI has become more sophisticated.
One significant area where AI has evolved is in personal assistants like Siri and Alexa. These AI-powered assistants can answer questions, set reminders, and even control smart devices in our homes. They have become integral parts of our daily routines, making life more convenient.
Moreover, AI is revolutionizing industries such as healthcare and transportation. In healthcare, AI algorithms analyze medical data to assist doctors in diagnosis and treatment planning. This helps improve patient care and outcomes. In transportation, AI is used in self-driving cars, which have the potential to make roads safer and reduce accidents.
Furthermore, AI has also made strides in the field of education. AI-based tutoring systems can personalize learning experiences for students, helping them grasp difficult concepts at their own pace.
However, as AI continues to evolve, concerns about privacy and job displacement have emerged. It is essential to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly to address these concerns.
In conclusion, the evolution of AI has brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives, from personal assistance to healthcare and education. As technology advances, it is crucial to embrace AI’s potential while addressing the challenges it presents.

英単語 | 日本語意味 |
evolution | 進化 |
significant | 重要な、意義深い |
aspect | 側面、局面 |
initially | 最初は、当初は |
sophisticated | 洗練された、高度な |
personal | 個人の、個人的な |
assistant | アシスタント、助手 |
answer | 答える、返答する |
reminder | リマインダー、思い出させるもの |
control | コントロールする、管理する |
integral | 不可欠な、必須の |
routine | 日常の、日課 |
convenient | 便利な、都合の良い |
revolutionize | 革命を起こす、変革する |
industry | 産業、業界 |
healthcare | 医療、健康ケア |
diagnosis | 診断、診断結果 |
treatment | 治療、処置 |
outcome | 結果、成果 |
transportation | 輸送、交通 |
self-driving | 自動運転の |
potential | 潜在的な、可能性 |
safer | より安全な |
accident | 事故、事故 |
revolutionizing | 革命を起こす |
education | 教育、教育 |
tutoring | 家庭教師、指導 |
personalize | 個別に対応する、個人に合わせる |
grasp | 理解する、把握する |
concept | 概念、コンセプト |
pace | ペース、速度 |
concern | 懸念、関心 |
privacy | プライバシー、個人情報保護 |
displacement | 取って代わり、追い出し |
ethically | 倫理的に、道徳的に |
responsibly | 責任を持って、責任を果たして |
Use ChatGPT
• Write a conversation at a bank.
• Write a conversation at a bank about [scenario].
• Write a conversation between a customer support representative and a customer calling about a refund.
• Write a conversation between [person 1] and [person 2] about [subject]. (for example: “between a bus driver and a passenger about not paying for a ticket)
• Write a conversation between three strangers about the [topic] (for example: finance, movies, sports, theatre, cars, etc).
• Write a conversation between two friends about [a specific topic].
• Can you rewrite this conversation and add a conflict?
Creating Monologues & Dialogues
• Write a dialogue between two women that is similar in style to the TV show “Law and Order”.
• Write a monologue about a broken heart.
• Write a mystery scene between two characters.
• Write a scene between two characters like a scene from the TV show Friends.
• Write a short TED talk about climate change.
• Write a speech that would sound like Michelle Obama.
Write a short story using as many [am / is / are] as possible.
Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there was a curious young girl named Emily. Emily was known for her adventurous spirit and inquisitive nature. Every day, she was out exploring the woods or chatting with the villagers.
One bright morning, as Emily was wandering through the woods, she stumbled upon a hidden path she had never noticed before. Intrigued, she was drawn to follow it deeper into the forest. The air was crisp, and the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.
As she walked, Emily was enchanted by the beauty of her surroundings. Birds sang in the trees, and squirrels darted playfully among the branches. Everything was so alive, so vibrant.
Suddenly, Emily was startled by a rustling in the bushes. Her heart pounded with excitement as she was certain she had discovered something magical. Peering through the foliage, she was astonished to find a hidden glade filled with wildflowers of every color imaginable.
Overwhelmed by the beauty before her, Emily was filled with a sense of wonder. She was captivated by the sight of butterflies flitting from flower to flower and bees buzzing lazily among the blooms.
As the sun began to set, Emily was reluctant to leave the enchanted glade. But she knew she was needed back in the village. With a wistful sigh, she bid farewell to the magical place and promised to return soon.
As she made her way back home, Emily was filled with a newfound sense of adventure. She knew that there was so much more to discover in the world around her, and she was eager to explore every corner of it.
And so, with her heart full of dreams and her spirit soaring, Emily was ready to embark on her next great adventure. For in her world, every moment was a story waiting to be told, and every path was a journey waiting to be taken.

Practice Conversation with ChatGPT
- Let’s have a back-and-forth conversation about [topic].