Unit 3 I am doing (present continuous)
I’m eating. She’s eating. She isn’t reading. It’s raining. The sun isn’t shining. We’re running. They’re running. They aren’t walking.

The present continuous is:
Am / is / are + doing / eating / running / writing etc.
I | am(not) | -ing |
He she it | is(not) | -ing |
We you they | are(not) | -ing |
I’m working. I’m not watching TV.
Maria is reading a newspaper.
She isn’t eating. (Or She’s not eating.)
The bus is coming.
We’re having dinner.
You’re not listening to me. (Or You aren’t listening…)
The children are doing their homework.
am / is / are + -ing = something is happening now:
I’m watching.
She’s wearing a hat.
They’re playing football.
I’m not watching TV.
Please be quiet. I’m working. (=I’m working now.)
Look, there’s Sarah. She’s wearing a brown coat. (=She is wearing it now)
The weather is nice. It’s not raining.
‘Where are the children?’ ‘They’re playing in the park.’
(On the phone) We’re having dinner now. Can I call you later?
You can turn off the television. I’m not watching it.
Come coming / Write writing / Dance dancing
Run running / Sit sitting / Swim swimming / Lie lying
英語文法の学習をしたいです。「I am doing (present continuous) / Am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writing etc.」を使った例文を20個作って。日本語も付けて
英語 | 日本語 |
1. I am watching a movie. | 1. 私は映画を見ています。 |
2. She is reading a book. | 2. 彼女は本を読んでいます。 |
3. They are playing soccer. | 3. 彼らはサッカーをしています。 |
4. We are studying English. | 4. 私たちは英語を勉強しています。 |
5. He is cooking dinner. | 5. 彼は夕食を作っています。 |
6. You are listening to music. | 6. あなたは音楽を聴いています。 |
7. I am typing an email. | 7. 私はメールを打っています。 |
8. She is dancing in the rain. | 8. 彼女は雨の中で踊っています。 |
9. They are talking on the phone. | 9. 彼らは電話で話しています。 |
10. We are walking in the park. | 10. 私たちは公園を歩いています。 |
11. He is driving to work. | 11. 彼は仕事に車で行っています。 |
12. You are drinking coffee. | 12. あなたはコーヒーを飲んでいます。 |
13. I am playing the guitar. | 13. 私はギターを弾いています。 |
14. She is studying for the exam. | 14. 彼女は試験勉強をしています。 |
15. They are swimming in the pool. | 15. 彼らはプールで泳いでいます。 |
16. We are waiting for the bus. | 16. 私たちはバスを待っています。 |
17. He is jogging in the park. | 17. 彼は公園をジョギングしています。 |
18. You are shopping for groceries. | 18. あなたは食料品を買いに行っています。 |
19. I am attending a meeting. | 19. 私は会議に出席しています。 |
20. She is cleaning her room. | 20. 彼女は部屋を掃除しています。 |
英単語 | 日本語の意味 |
watching | 見ている |
movie | 映画 |
reading | 読んでいる |
book | 本 |
playing | している |
soccer | サッカー |
studying | 勉強している |
English | 英語 |
cooking | 料理している |
dinner | 夕食 |
listening | 聴いている |
music | 音楽 |
typing | 打っている |
メール | |
dancing | 踊っている |
rain | 雨 |
talking | 話している |
phone | 電話 |
walking | 歩いている |
park | 公園 |
driving | 運転している |
work | 仕事 |
drinking | 飲んでいる |
coffee | コーヒー |
playing | 弾いている |
guitar | ギター |
studying | 勉強している |
exam | 試験 |
swimming | 泳いでいる |
pool | プール |
waiting | 待っている |
bus | バス |
jogging | ジョギングしている |
cleaning | 掃除している |
room | 部屋 |
英単語 | 同義語 | 対義語 | 日本語の意味 |
watching | observing | – | 見ている |
movie | film | – | 映画 |
reading | perusing | – | 読んでいる |
book | tome | – | 本 |
playing | engaging in | – | している |
soccer | football | – | サッカー |
studying | learning, reviewing | slacking off | 勉強している |
English | – | – | 英語 |
cooking | preparing, making | – | 料理している |
dinner | supper | breakfast | 夕食 |
listening | hearing | ignoring | 聴いている |
music | tunes, melodies | silence | 音楽 |
typing | keyboarding | writing by hand | 打っている |
electronic mail | letter | メール | |
dancing | grooving, moving | standing still | 踊っている |
rain | precipitation | sunshine | 雨 |
talking | chatting, conversing | muting | 話している |
phone | telephone | face-to-face | 電話 |
walking | strolling, hiking | running | 歩いている |
park | playground | office | 公園 |
driving | piloting, steering | walking | 運転している |
work | job, employment | leisure | 仕事 |
drinking | imbibing | abstaining | 飲んでいる |
coffee | java, brew | tea | コーヒー |
playing | performing | working | 弾いている |
guitar | – | – | ギター |
studying | cramming, hitting the books | slacking off | 勉強している |
exam | test, assessment | vacation | 試験 |
swimming | bathing, diving | drowning | 泳いでいる |
pool | swimming pool | ocean | プール |
waiting | anticipating | rushing | 待っている |
bus | coach, transit | car | バス |
jogging | running, trotting | walking | ジョギングしている |
cleaning | tidying up, scrubbing | dirtying | 掃除している |
room | space, chamber | outdoors | 部屋 |
1. **watching** – 同義語: observing
– “Watching” は一般的な行為を指し、特に注意深く見ることを意味します。例えば、映画を見たり、人々の行動を観察したりする場面で使います。一方で、”observing” はよりフォーマルな文脈で使われ、科学的な研究や観察を指します。
2. **reading** – 同義語: perusing
– “Reading” は文字を理解する行為を指し、一般的に書かれた言葉を読むことを意味します。”perusing” も同様に書かれた文書を注意深く読むことを指しますが、よりゆっくりとしたペースで読むというニュアンスが含まれます。
3. **playing** – 同義語: engaging in
– “Playing” はあらゆる種類の娯楽や活動を指します。”Engaging in” はより広範な行動や活動に関わることを指し、遊ぶだけでなく、仕事や議論なども含みます。
4. **studying** – 同義語: learning, reviewing
– “Studying” は知識を獲得し、理解を深めるために集中的に取り組むことを指します。”Learning” も同様に知識やスキルを得ることを指しますが、より広い文脈で使われ、形式的な学習だけでなく日常の経験からも学ぶことが含まれます。”Reviewing” は既に学んだ内容を再確認することを指します。
5. **cooking** – 同義語: preparing, making
– “Cooking” は食べ物を調理することを指します。”Preparing” も同様に食事を準備することを指しますが、調理だけでなく、食材の用意や料理の計画も含みます。”Making” は一般的な作業を指し、食事の準備だけでなく、他の種類の作業も含まれます。
6. **listening** – 同義語: hearing
– “Listening” は意図的に音を聞くことを指し、理解や注意を払うことを強調します。”Hearing” も音を感知することを指しますが、特に注意を払わずに聞こえる音全般を含みます。
英単語 | 同義語 | 文 | 日本語訳 |
watching | observing | I enjoy watching the sunset. | 夕日を眺めるのが好きです。 |
movie | film | Let’s go see a movie tonight. | 今夜は映画を見に行こう。 |
reading | perusing | She was reading a magazine in the waiting room. | 彼女は待合室で雑誌を読んでいました。 |
book | tome | He always carries a book with him. | 彼はいつも本を持ち歩いています。 |
playing | engaging in | The kids were playing in the backyard. | 子供たちは裏庭で遊んでいました。 |
soccer | football | I used to play soccer when I was in school. | 学校にいたときはサッカーをしていました。 |
studying | learning, reviewing | She is studying for her exams. | 彼女は試験勉強をしています。 |
cooking | preparing, making | He is cooking dinner in the kitchen. | 彼はキッチンで夕食を作っています。 |
dinner | supper | We usually have dinner at around 7 PM. | 私たちは普段、夕食を7時ごろに食べます。 |
listening | hearing | I enjoy listening to classical music. | 私はクラシック音楽を聴くのが好きです。 |
music | tunes, melodies | She is learning to play music on the piano. | 彼女はピアノで音楽を演奏することを学んでいます。 |
typing | keyboarding | He is typing a report on his computer. | 彼はコンピュータでレポートを打っています。 |
electronic mail | Did you receive my email yesterday? | 昨日の私のメール、受け取った? | |
dancing | grooving, moving | They were dancing at the wedding. | 彼らは結婚式で踊っていました。 |
rain | precipitation | I love the smell of rain. | 雨の匂いが好きです。 |
talking | chatting, conversing | We were talking about our vacation plans. | 私たちは休暇の計画について話していました。 |
phone | telephone | Can you please answer the phone? | 電話に出てくれませんか? |
walking | strolling, hiking | I enjoy walking in the park. | 公園を散歩するのが好きです。 |
park | playground | Let’s meet at the park tomorrow afternoon. | 明日の午後、公園で会いましょう。 |
driving | piloting, steering | She is driving her new car. | 彼女は新しい車を運転しています。 |
work | job, employment | I have a lot of work to do today. | 今日はたくさんの仕事があります。 |
drinking | imbibing | He is drinking coffee in the café. | 彼はカフェでコーヒーを飲んでいます。 |
coffee | java, brew | Would you like a cup of coffee? | コーヒーを一杯いかがですか? |
playing | performing | She is playing the piano at the concert. | 彼女はコンサートでピアノを演奏しています。 |
guitar | – | He is learning to play the guitar. | 彼はギターを弾くことを学んでいます。 |
studying | cramming, hitting the books | They are studying for their final exams. | 彼らは最終試験のために勉強しています。 |
exam | test, assessment | I have an important exam tomorrow. | 明日は重要な試験があります。 |
swimming | bathing, diving | She enjoys swimming in the ocean. | 彼女は海で泳ぐのを楽しんでいます。 |
pool | swimming pool | Let’s meet at the pool for a swim. | 泳ぎにプールで会いましょう。 |
waiting | anticipating | We are waiting for the bus. | 私たちはバスを待っています。 |
bus | coach, transit | The bus arrives at 10 AM. | バスは午前10時に到着します。 |
jogging | running, trotting | He is jogging in the park every morning. | 彼は毎朝公園でジョギングしています。 |
cleaning | tidying up, scrubbing | She is cleaning the house before the guests arrive. | 彼女はゲストが到着する前に家を掃除しています。 |
room | space, chamber | His room is always neat and tidy. | 彼の部屋はいつもきちんとしています。 |
Write sentences about Jane. Use She’s -ing or She isn’t -ing.
1. (Have dinner) Jane isn’t having dinner.
2. (Watch TV) She’s watching TV.
3. (Sit on the floor) She’s sitting on the floor.
4. (Read a book) She isn’t reading a book.
5. (Play the piano) She isn’t playing the piano.
6. (Laugh) She’s laughing.
7. (Wear a hat) She isn’t wearing a hat.
8. (Drink coffee) She isn’t drinking coffee.
1. (Have lunch) She isn’t having lunch.
2. (Listen to music) She’s listening to music.
3. (Stand in line) She’s standing in line.
4. (Write a letter) She isn’t writing a letter.
5. (Study for the exam) She isn’t studying for the exam.
6. (Talk on the phone) She’s talking on the phone.
7. (Wear a dress) She isn’t wearing a dress.
8. (Eat breakfast) She’s eating breakfast.
What’s happening now? Write true sentences.
(I/wash/my hair) I’m not washing my hair.
(It/snow) It’s snowing.
(I/sit/on a chair) I’m sitting on a chair.
(I/eat) I am not eating.
(It/rain) It isn’t raining.
(I/learn/English) I’m learning English.
(I/listen/to music) I am not listening to music.
(The sun/shine) The sun isn’t shining.
(I/wear/shoes) I am not wearing shoes.
(I/read/a newspaper) I’m reading a newspaper.
1. (She/watch/TV) She’s watching TV.
2. (He/run/in the park) He’s running in the park.
3. (They/talk/on the phone) They’re talking on the phone.
4. (It/ not/rain) It’s not raining.
5. (She/study/for the exam) She’s studying for the exam.
6. (We/eat/dinner) We’re eating dinner.
7. (He/listen/to music) He’s listening to music.
8. (It/not/snow) It’s not snowing.
9. (She/teach/English) She’s teaching English.
10. (I/write/a letter) I’m writing a letter.
英単語 | 日本語の意味 |
abundant | 豊富な |
abrupt | 突然の |
affectionate | 愛情深い |
alleviate | 和らげる |
assess | 評価する |
coherent | 首尾一貫した |
conspicuous | 目立つ |
diligent | 勤勉な |
enhance | 高める |
feasible | 実行可能な |
imminent | 差し迫った |
indispensable | 不可欠な |
mitigate | 和らげる |
obsolete | 時代遅れの |
persistent | しつこい |
profound | 深い |
redundant | 余分な |
substantial | かなりの |
thrive | 繁栄する |
versatile | 多才な |
1. Despite the **abundant** rainfall, the region faced a severe drought last summer. (豊富な雨量にも関わらず、その地域は去年の夏に厳しい干ばつに直面しました。)
2. His **abrupt** departure left everyone surprised and confused. (彼の突然の出発はみんなを驚かせ、混乱させました。)
3. The mother’s **affectionate** hug comforted the crying child. (母親の愛情深い抱擁が泣いている子供を慰めました。)
4. The medicine helped **alleviate** his pain. (その薬は彼の痛みを和らげるのに役立ちました。)
5. The teacher needs to **assess** the students’ progress regularly. (教師は生徒の進歩を定期的に評価する必要があります。)
6. She gave a **coherent** presentation that impressed the audience. (彼女は聴衆を感動させる首尾一貫したプレゼンテーションを行いました。)
7. The bright red dress was **conspicuous** among the crowd. (明るい赤いドレスは人ごみの中で目立っていました。)
8. His **diligent** study habits helped him achieve excellent grades. (彼の勤勉な勉強習慣が優れた成績を収めるのに役立ちました。)
9. Regular exercise can **enhance** your overall well-being. (定期的な運動は全体的な健康を向上させることができます。)
10. The **feasible** solution to the problem was implemented immediately. (その問題の実行可能な解決策が直ちに実施されました。)
In the United States, the presidential election is a crucial event that happens every four years. During the election, American citizens choose who they want to be their next president. Candidates from different political parties run for president. The two main parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Before the election, each party holds primary elections to select their candidate. These primary elections happen in each state, and voters choose which candidate they prefer. The candidate who wins the most votes in each party becomes the party’s nominee for president.
After the primaries, the presidential campaign officially begins. Candidates travel across the country, giving speeches and participating in debates. They talk about their plans for the country and try to convince voters to support them.
On Election Day, which is usually in November, citizens cast their votes. They can vote either in person at polling places or by mail. The candidate who receives the most votes nationwide wins the election. However, the president is not directly elected by the popular vote but by the Electoral College, which is a group of representatives from each state.
The candidate who wins the majority of electoral votes becomes the president-elect. Then, in January, the president-elect is inaugurated and officially becomes the new president of the United States.

英単語 | 日本語の意味 |
presidential | 大統領の |
election | 選挙 |
crucial | 重要な |
event | 行事、イベント |
American | アメリカ人の |
citizens | 市民 |
choose | 選ぶ |
candidate | 候補者 |
political | 政治の |
parties | 党派 |
Democratic | 民主党の |
President | 共和党の |
primary | 予備選挙 |
state | 州 |
voters | 有権者 |
prefer | 好む |
nominee | 指名された候補者 |
campaign | 選挙運動 |
officially | 公式に |
begins | 始まる |
travel | 旅行する |
country | 国 |
speeches | スピーチ |
participate | 参加する |
debates | 議論 |
plans | 計画 |
convince | 説得する |
voters | 有権者 |
support | 支持する |
Election Day | 選挙日 |
November | 11月 |
cast | 投票する |
in person | 直接 |
polling | 投票 |
places | 場所 |
郵送 | |
receives | 受け取る |
nationwide | 全国的な |
wins | 勝つ |
directly | 直接的に |
elected | 選ばれる |
Electoral | 選挙の |
College | 大学院 |
representatives | 代表者 |
majority | 大多数 |
electoral | 選挙の |
president-elect | 次期大統領 |
inaugurated | 就任する |
officially | 公式に |
new | 新しい |
president | 大統領 |
Use ChatGPT
• Write a conversation at a bank.
• Write a conversation at a bank about [scenario].
• Write a conversation between a customer support representative and a customer calling about a refund.
• Write a conversation between [person 1] and [person 2] about [subject]. (for example: “between a bus driver and a passenger about not paying for a ticket)
• Write a conversation between three strangers about the [topic] (for example: finance, movies, sports, theatre, cars, etc).
• Write a conversation between two friends about [a specific topic].
• Can you rewrite this conversation and add a conflict?
Creating Monologues & Dialogues
• Write a dialogue between two women that is similar in style to the TV show “Law and Order”.
• Write a monologue about a broken heart.
• Write a mystery scene between two characters.
• Write a scene between two characters like a scene from the TV show Friends.
• Write a short TED talk about climate change.
• Write a speech that would sound like Michelle Obama.
Write a short story using as many [I am doing (present continuous) / Am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writing etc.] as possible.
Title: A Day in the Park
It’s a beautiful day, and I am enjoying a leisurely stroll in the park. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and families are picnicking on the grass. I am walking along the winding paths, taking in the sights and sounds of nature.
As I walk, I notice a group of children playing on the playground. They are laughing and shouting as they climb the jungle gym and slide down the slide. Nearby, a couple is sitting on a bench, holding hands and watching the sunset. They are whispering sweet nothings to each other, lost in their own little world.
Further along the path, I come across a man who is jogging. He is wearing headphones and listening to music as he runs. I wave to him as he passes by, and he nods in acknowledgment before continuing on his way.
I am feeling a bit hungry, so I decide to stop at the food stand near the lake. I order a hot dog and a soda and find a shady spot to sit and eat. As I munch on my lunch, I watch the ducks swimming in the lake and the boats gliding across the water.
After finishing my meal, I am feeling refreshed and energized. I decide to go for a run around the lake. I am jogging along the path, enjoying the feeling of the wind in my hair and the sun on my face.
As the day starts to fade into evening, I make my way back home. I am tired but happy, grateful for the simple pleasures of a day spent in the park.
With each step, I am looking forward to the next time I can come back and enjoy the beauty of nature all over again.

Practice Conversation with ChatGPT
- Let’s have a back-and-forth conversation about [topic].