Unit 5 I do / work/ like etc. (present simple)
We read a lot.
They have a lot of books.
They read a lot.
I like ice cream.
He’s eating an ice cream.
He likes ice cream.
They read / he likes / I work etc. = the present simple:
I / we / you / they read like work live watch do have
He / she / it reads likes works lives watches does has
He works / she lives / it rains etc.
I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank. (Not my brother work)
Lucy lives in London. Her parents live in Scotland.
It rains a lot in winter.
I have – He / she / it has:
Joe has a shower every day.
Spelling :
-es after -s / -sh / -ch:
Pass – Passes finish – finishes watch – watches
-y / -ies:
Study – studies try – tries
Also: do – does go – goes

We use the present simple for things that are true in general,
or for things that happen sometimes or all the time:
I like big cities.
Your English is good. You speak very well.
Tom works very hard. He starts at 7:30 and finishes at 8 o’clock in the evening.
The earth goes round the sun.
We do a lot of different things in our free time.
It costs a lot of money to build a hospital.
Always / never / often / usually / sometimes + present simple
Sue always gets to work early. (Not Sue gets always)
I never eat breakfast. (Not I eat never)
We often go away at weekends.
Mark usually plays football on Sundays.
I sometimes walk to work, but not very often.
英語文法の学習をしたいです。「I do / work/ like etc. (present simple) – 」を使った例文を20個作って。日本語も付けて
Example Sentence | Japanese Translation |
I read books every day. | 毎日、本を読みます。 |
He likes chocolate ice cream. | 彼はチョコレートアイスクリームが好きです。 |
We work together in the same office. | 私たちは同じオフィスで一緒に働いています。 |
They live in a big house near the beach. | 彼らはビーチの近くの大きな家に住んでいます。 |
She watches romantic movies on weekends. | 彼女は週末にロマンチックな映画を見ます。 |
You do yoga every morning. | あなたは毎朝ヨガをします。 |
He reads the newspaper every morning. | 彼は毎朝新聞を読みます。 |
They like to travel to exotic places. | 彼らはエキゾチックな場所に旅行するのが好きです。 |
I work as a teacher at the local school. | 私は地元の学校で教師として働いています。 |
She lives alone in a small apartment. | 彼女は小さなアパートで一人暮らしをしています。 |
We watch movies together every Friday night. | 私たちは毎週金曜日の夜に一緒に映画を見ます。 |
They do their homework after school. | 彼らは放課後に宿題をします。 |
He has breakfast at 7 a.m. every morning. | 彼は毎朝7時に朝食をとります。 |
I like to listen to music while studying. | 私は勉強しながら音楽を聴くのが好きです。 |
She works part-time at a café on weekends. | 彼女は週末にカフェでアルバイトをしています。 |
They live in different cities but meet often. | 彼らは違う街に住んでいますが、よく会います。 |
He watches TV before going to bed. | 彼は寝る前にテレビを見ます。 |
We read books in the library on Sundays. | 私たちは日曜日に図書館で本を読みます。 |
You like to go jogging in the park. | あなたは公園でジョギングするのが好きです。 |
She works hard to achieve her goals. | 彼女は目標を達成するために一生懸命働いています。 |
英語 | 日本語 |
read | 読む |
like | 好き |
work | 働く |
live | 住む |
watch | 見る |
do | する |
every | 毎~ |
morning | 朝 |
to | ~する |
in | ~で |
same | 同じ |
office | オフィス |
near | 近くの |
beach | ビーチ |
on | ~で |
weekend | 週末 |
together | 一緒に |
small | 小さな |
apartment | アパート |
night | 夜 |
their | 彼らの |
after | ~後に |
school | 学校 |
at | ~で |
local | 地元の |
alone | 一人で |
part-time | アルバイト |
different | 違う |
but | しかし |
meet | 会う |
before | 前に |
going | 行く |
bed | ベッド |
library | 図書館 |
Sunday | 日曜日 |
go | 行く |
jogging | ジョギング |
park | 公園 |
hard | 一生懸命 |
achieve | 達成する |
her | 彼女の |
goals | 目標 |
英語 | 日本語 | 同義語 | 対義語 |
read | 読む | peruse | write |
like | 好き | adore | dislike |
work | 働く | labor | rest |
live | 住む | reside | leave |
watch | 見る | observe | ignore |
do | する | perform | undo |
every | 毎~ | each | none |
morning | 朝 | dawn | evening |
to | ~する | toward | from |
in | ~で | within | out |
same | 同じ | identical | different |
office | オフィス | workplace | home |
near | 近くの | close | far |
beach | ビーチ | shore | desert |
on | ~で | upon | off |
weekend | 週末 | Saturday | weekday |
together | 一緒に | jointly | separately |
small | 小さな | tiny | large |
apartment | アパート | flat | mansion |
night | 夜 | evening | day |
their | 彼らの | his/her | none |
after | ~後に | following | before |
school | 学校 | academy | home |
at | ~で | in | away |
local | 地元の | native | foreign |
alone | 一人で | solitary | together |
part-time | アルバイト | temporary | full-time |
different | 違う | diverse | similar |
but | しかし | however | moreover |
meet | 会う | encounter | depart |
before | 前に | prior | after |
going | 行く | departing | arriving |
bed | ベッド | cot | awake |
library | 図書館 | bookstore | playground |
Sunday | 日曜日 | Sabbath | Monday |
go | 行く | depart | arrive |
jogging | ジョギング | running | walking |
park | 公園 | garden | city |
hard | 一生懸命 | diligent | easy |
achieve | 達成する | accomplish | fail |
her | 彼女の | his | none |
goals | 目標 | objectives | failures |
- read (読む):
- Synonym: peruse
- Usage: “read” is the general term for looking at and understanding written or printed matter. “Peruse” often implies a thorough or careful reading of something.
- like (好き):
- Synonym: adore
- Usage: “like” is a general term for having a positive feeling towards something. “Adore” expresses a stronger sense of affection or admiration.
- work (働く):
- Synonym: labor
- Usage: “work” refers to the general activity of performing tasks for a living. “Labor” is often used to refer to physical or hard work, especially manual work.
- live (住む):
- Synonym: reside
- Usage: “live” means to dwell or have one’s permanent residence in a particular place. “Reside” has a similar meaning but is often used in formal or legal contexts.
- watch (見る):
- Synonym: observe
- Usage: “watch” means to look at something attentively, especially for entertainment or information. “Observe” can have a broader meaning, including watching for study or scientific purposes.
- do (する):
- Synonym: perform
- Usage: “do” is a general term for carrying out an action. “Perform” is often used in more formal contexts or when referring to actions that require skill or precision.
- every (毎~):
- Synonym: each
- Usage: “every” indicates all members of a group or set individually. “Each” emphasizes individual items or members within a group.
- small (小さな):
- Synonym: tiny
- Usage: “small” refers to something of limited size or extent. “Tiny” suggests something extremely small in size.
- but (しかし):
- Synonym: however
- Usage: “but” is used to introduce a contrast or exception. “However” serves a similar function but is often used in more formal writing.
- meet (会う):
- Synonym: encounter
- Usage: “meet” means to come into the presence or company of someone. “Encounter” can also refer to unexpected or chance meetings.
英語文 | 日本語訳 |
She likes to peruse novels. | 彼女は小説をじっくりと読むのが好きです。 |
He adores his new puppy. | 彼は新しい子犬が大好きです。 |
They labor in the fields every day. | 彼らは毎日畑で働きます。 |
We reside in a quiet neighborhood. | 私たちは静かな地域に住んでいます。 |
I observe the stars at night. | 私は夜に星を観察します。 |
She performs in the school play. | 彼女は学校の劇で演技します。 |
He goes to the gym each morning. | 彼は毎朝ジムに行きます。 |
They visit their grandparents every weekend. | 彼らは毎週末祖父母を訪ねます。 |
The apartment is tiny but cozy. | そのアパートは小さくても居心地が良いです。 |
She likes all fruits, however, she dislikes bananas. | 彼女は全ての果物が好きですが、しかし、バナナは嫌いです。 |
I encounter my old friend in the park. | 私は公園で古い友達に偶然出会います。 |
Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb (arrive or arrives etc)
(Always/early/Sue/arrive) Sue always arrives early.
(To the cinema/never/I/go) I never go to the cinema.
(Work/Martina/hard/always) Martina always works hard.
(Like/chocolate/children/usually) Children usually like chocolate.
(Jackie/parties/enjoy/always) Jackies always enjoys parties.
(Often/people’s names/I/forget) I often forget people’s names.
(TV/Sam/watch/never) Sam never watches TV.
(Usually/dinner/we/have/at 7:30) We usually have dinner at 7:30.
(Kate/always/nice clothes/wear) Kate always wears nice clothes.
- Every day/I/run. I run every day.
- In the morning/they/go/swimming. They go swimming in the morning.
- To the gym/we/never/go. We never go to the gym.
- Often/they/eat/pizza. They often eat pizza.
- To the park/we/always/go/on Sundays. We always go to the park on Sundays.
- At night/she/read/books. She reads books at night.
- To the library/they/go/sometimes. They sometimes go to the library.
- Usually/he/works/out/in the evening. He usually works out in the evening.
- At parties/we/dance/always. We always dance at parties.
- In the summer/they/go/camping/often. They often go camping in the summer.
Write sentences about yourself. Use always/never/often/usually/sometimes
(Watch TV in the evening) I usually watch TV in the evening.
(Read in bed) I never read in bed.
(Get up before 7 o’clock) I often get up before 7 o’clock.
(Go to work/school by bus) I sometimes go to work by bus.
(Drink coffee in the morning) I often drink coffee in the morning.
- Eat breakfast – I always eat breakfast in the morning.
- Exercise – I sometimes exercise at the gym after work.
- Listen to music – I often listen to music while working.
- Cook dinner – I usually cook dinner for myself in the evening.
- Go for a walk – I sometimes go for a walk in the park on weekends.
- Call my family – I always call my family on Sundays.
- Read books – I often read books before going to bed.
- Study – I sometimes study Japanese in my free time.
- Travel – I usually travel to new places during my vacation time.
- Practice yoga – I never practice yoga in the morning.
英語 | 日本語 |
proficient | 熟達した |
diligent | 勤勉な |
endeavor | 努力 |
consensus | 合意 |
formidable | 手ごわい |
feasible | 実行可能な |
succinct | 簡潔な |
coherent | 首尾一貫した |
redundant | 余分な |
obsolete | 時代遅れの |
ambivalent | 相反する感情を持つ |
articulate | 言葉で表現する |
resilient | 回復力のある |
pervasive | 広がりやすい |
ostensible | 表向きの |
pervasive | 広がりやすい |
preposterous | 非常識な |
alleviate | 和らげる |
benevolent | 慈善的な |
contentious | 論争の余地のある |
- His resilient spirit helped him overcome the difficulties. (回復力のある)
- 彼の回復力のある精神が彼を困難を乗り越えるのに役立ちました。
- The team reached a consensus on the best course of action. (合意)
- チームは最善の行動方針について合意に達しました。
- The pervasive influence of technology is evident in our daily lives. (広がりやすい)
- テクノロジーの普及は私たちの日常生活に明らかに影響を与えています。
- Despite the redundant information, the report was well-received. (余分な)
- 余分な情報があったにもかかわらず、そのレポートは好評でした。
- The charity organization provides benevolent support to those in need. (慈悲深い)
- その慈善団体は困っている人々に慈悲深い支援を提供しています。
- The argument was contentious, leading to heated debates among the participants. (論争の余地のある)
- 議論は論争の余地があり、参加者の間で激しい議論を引き起こしました。
Earthquakes are natural disasters that can cause widespread damage and destruction. They occur when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust, resulting in seismic waves that shake the ground. Earthquakes can vary in size and intensity, ranging from minor tremors to major quakes that can devastate entire cities.
One of the most significant impacts of earthquakes is the damage they can cause to buildings and infrastructure. Buildings may collapse, roads may crack, and bridges may collapse, leading to injuries and loss of life. In addition to physical damage, earthquakes can also trigger other disasters such as landslides, tsunamis, and fires, further exacerbating the destruction.
To prepare for earthquakes, it’s essential to have emergency plans in place. This includes knowing what to do during an earthquake, such as taking cover under sturdy furniture or in doorways, and having emergency supplies such as water, food, and first aid kits readily available. Communities also implement building codes and construction standards to ensure that structures are built to withstand seismic activity.
Earthquakes are unpredictable, but with proper preparedness and awareness, the impact can be minimized. It’s essential for everyone to understand the risks associated with earthquakes and to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their communities. By working together and staying informed, we can better mitigate the effects of earthquakes and ensure the safety and well-being of all.

英語 | 日本語 |
earthquakes | 地震 |
natural | 自然の |
disasters | 災害 |
widespread | 広範囲の |
damage | 被害 |
destruction | 破壊 |
occur | 起こる |
sudden | 突然の |
release | 放出 |
energy | エネルギー |
crust | 地殻 |
seismic | 地震の |
waves | 波 |
shake | 揺れる |
ground | 地面 |
impact | 影響 |
buildings | 建物 |
infrastructure | インフラ |
collapse | 崩壊する |
injuries | けが |
loss | 損失 |
life | 生命 |
physical | 物理的な |
trigger | 引き起こす |
landslides | 地すべり |
tsunamis | 津波 |
fires | 火災 |
exacerbating | 悪化させる |
prepare | 準備する |
emergency | 緊急 |
plans | 計画 |
taking cover | 避難する |
furniture | 家具 |
doorways | 戸口 |
supplies | 供給物 |
communities | 地域社会 |
implement | 実施する |
building codes | 建築基準 |
construction | 建設 |
standards | 基準 |
withstand | 耐える |
mitigate | 和らげる |
proactive | 先んじた |
measures | 対策 |
safety | 安全 |
well-being | 健康 |
better | より良い |
ensure | 保証する |
informed | 情報を提供する |
effects | 影響 |
protect | 守る |
proactive | 先回りの |
measures | 対策 |
safety | 安全 |
well-being | 健康 |
all | すべての |
Use ChatGPT
• Write a conversation at a bank.
• Write a conversation at a bank about [scenario].
• Write a conversation between a customer support representative and a customer calling about a refund.
• Write a conversation between [person 1] and [person 2] about [subject]. (for example: “between a bus driver and a passenger about not paying for a ticket)
• Write a conversation between three strangers about the [topic] (for example: finance, movies, sports, theatre, cars, etc).
• Write a conversation between two friends about [a specific topic].
• Can you rewrite this conversation and add a conflict?
Creating Monologues & Dialogues
• Write a dialogue between two women that is similar in style to the TV show “Law and Order”.
• Write a monologue about a broken heart.
• Write a mystery scene between two characters.
• Write a scene between two characters like a scene from the TV show Friends.
• Write a short TED talk about climate change.
• Write a speech that would sound like Michelle Obama.
Write a short story using as many [I do / work/ like etc. (present simple)] as possible.
Title: A Day in the Life
Every morning, I wake up to the chirping of birds outside my window. I stretch my arms and legs, feeling refreshed from a good night’s sleep. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I head downstairs to the kitchen. I like to start my day with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The aroma fills the room as I sip it slowly, savoring every drop.
Once I finish my coffee, it’s time to get ready for work. I put on my favorite suit and tie, making sure to look presentable for the day ahead. As I walk to the bus stop, I take in the sights and sounds of the bustling city around me. I enjoy the hustle and bustle of the morning rush, knowing that I have a busy day ahead of me.
At work, I do my best to stay focused and productive. I work diligently on my tasks, making sure to meet deadlines and exceed expectations. My colleagues often compliment me on my hard work and dedication. I take pride in my work and strive to do my best every day.
During lunchtime, I like to take a break and enjoy a meal with my coworkers. We chat and laugh as we eat, enjoying each other’s company. It’s a nice break from the hectic pace of the morning, and it helps me recharge for the rest of the day.
After work, I like to unwind by going for a jog in the park. Running helps me clear my mind and relieve stress. I enjoy the feeling of the wind on my face as I run, feeling free and alive.
In the evening, I like to relax at home with a good book or movie. I curl up on the couch with a warm blanket, losing myself in the story unfolding before me. It’s a peaceful end to a busy day, and I cherish these moments of quiet solitude.
As I drift off to sleep, I think about the day’s events and all that I have accomplished. I feel grateful for the life I have and look forward to whatever tomorrow may bring.

Practice Conversation with ChatGPT
- Let’s have a back-and-forth conversation about [topic].