Unit 4 are you doing (present continuous questions)
What are you doing?

I | Am | Doing working going staying |
He she it | Is | Doing working going staying |
We you they | Are | Doing working going staying |
Am | I | Doing working going staying? |
Is | He she it | Doing working going staying? |
Are | We you they | Doing working going staying? |
Are you feeling OK? Yes, I’m fine, thanks.
Is it raining? Yes, take an umbrella.
Why are you wearing a coat? It’s not cold.
What’s Paul doing? He’s studying for his exams.
What are the children doing? They’re watching TV.
Look, there’s Emily! Where’s she going?
Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Sue?
Study the word order: Is / are + subject + -ing
Is he working today?
Is Ben working today? (Not is working Ben today?)
Where are they going?
Where are those people going? (Not Where are going those people?)
Short answers:
Yes, | I | AM. |
Yes, | He she it | is. |
Yes, | We you they | are. |
No, | I’m | Not. |
No, | He’s she’s it’s | not. |
No, | We’re you’re they’re | not. |
No, | He she it | Isn’t |
No, | We you they | Aren’t |
Are you going now? Yes, I am.
Is Ben working today? Yes, he is.
Is it raining? No, it isn’t.
Are your friends staying at a hotel? No, they aren’t. They are staying with me.
英語文法の学習をしたいです。「are you doing (present continuous questions) / Is / are + subject + -ing」を使った例文を20個作って。日本語も付けて
English Sentence | Japanese Translation |
Are you doing your homework now? | 今、宿題をしていますか? |
Is she watching a movie at the moment? | 彼女は今、映画を見ていますか? |
Are they playing soccer in the park? | 彼らは公園でサッカーをしていますか? |
What are you doing this weekend? | 今週末、何をしていますか? |
Is he working on a project right now? | 彼は今、プロジェクトに取り組んでいますか? |
Are we meeting for lunch later? | 後で昼食のために会いますか? |
Is it raining outside? | 外は雨が降っていますか? |
Are you going to the party tonight? | 今夜、パーティーに行きますか? |
Is she cooking dinner in the kitchen? | 彼女は台所で夕食を作っていますか? |
What are they discussing over there? | 彼らはあそこで何を話し合っていますか? |
Are you learning English online right now? | 今、オンラインで英語を学んでいますか? |
Is he reading a book in the library? | 彼は図書館で本を読んでいますか? |
Are they planning a trip for the holidays? | 彼らは休日の旅行を計画していますか? |
What are you thinking about at this moment? | 今、何を考えていますか? |
Is she studying for her exams right now? | 彼女は今、試験勉強をしていますか? |
Are we going to the beach next weekend? | 来週末、ビーチに行きますか? |
Is it snowing in the mountains? | 山では雪が降っていますか? |
Are you practicing the piano in your room? | 部屋でピアノの練習をしていますか? |
What are they wearing to the party tonight? | 彼らは今夜、パーティーに何を着ていきますか? |
Is she teaching a class right now? | 彼女は今、授業をしていますか? |
English Word | Japanese Meaning |
homework | 宿題 |
movie | 映画 |
soccer | サッカー |
weekend | 週末 |
project | プロジェクト |
lunch | 昼食 |
rain | 雨 |
party | パーティー |
dinner | 夕食 |
discussion | 議論 |
English | 英語 |
book | 本 |
trip | 旅行 |
moment | 瞬間 |
exams | 試験 |
beach | ビーチ |
mountains | 山 |
piano | ピアノ |
room | 部屋 |
class | 授業 |
English Word | Japanese Meaning | Synonym | Japanese Synonym | Antonym | Japanese Antonym |
homework | 宿題 | assignment | 課題 | play | 遊ぶ |
movie | 映画 | film | フィルム | reality | 現実 |
soccer | サッカー | football | フットボール | basketball | バスケットボール |
weekend | 週末 | Saturday and Sunday | 土曜日と日曜日 | weekday | 平日 |
project | プロジェクト | assignment | 課題 | completion | 完了 |
lunch | 昼食 | midday meal | 昼食 | dinner | 夕食 |
rain | 雨 | precipitation | 降水 | sunshine | 日差し |
party | パーティー | celebration | 祝賀 | solitude | 孤独 |
dinner | 夕食 | supper | 夕食 | breakfast | 朝食 |
discussion | 議論 | conversation | 会話 | agreement | 合意 |
English | 英語 | language | 言語 | mathematics | 数学 |
book | 本 | novel | 小説 | movie | 映画 |
trip | 旅行 | journey | 旅行 | stay | 滞在 |
moment | 瞬間 | instant | 瞬間 | eternity | 永遠 |
exams | 試験 | tests | テスト | relaxation | リラックス |
beach | ビーチ | seaside | 海辺 | mountain | 山 |
mountains | 山 | peaks | 山岳 | sea | 海 |
piano | ピアノ | keyboard | キーボード | guitar | ギター |
room | 部屋 | chamber | 部屋 | outdoor | 戸外 |
class | 授業 | lesson | レッスン | recess | 休み |
- Homework (宿題)
- Synonym: Assignment (課題)
- Usage: “Homework” is typically used in educational contexts, referring to tasks assigned by teachers to be completed outside of class, especially for students. “Assignment” is a broader term that can refer to tasks or projects given in various contexts, including work or academic settings.
- Movie (映画)
- Synonym: Film (フィルム)
- Usage: “Movie” and “film” are generally interchangeable and refer to motion pictures shown in theaters or on screens. In everyday conversation, “movie” is more common, while “film” may be used in a more formal or technical context.
- Soccer (サッカー)
- Synonym: Football (フットボール)
- Usage: “Soccer” and “football” both refer to the same sport. However, the usage of these terms varies depending on regional conventions. In the United States, “soccer” is used to distinguish the sport from American football, while in most other countries, “football” is the preferred term.
- Weekend (週末)
- Synonym: Saturday and Sunday (土曜日と日曜日)
- Usage: “Weekend” refers to the period of time at the end of the week, typically from Friday evening to Sunday night, when many people are off work or school and engage in leisure activities. “Saturday and Sunday” specifically refers to the two days that make up the weekend.
- Project (プロジェクト)
- Synonym: Assignment (課題)
- Usage: While “project” often refers to a specific task or undertaking that requires planning and execution, “assignment” can have a broader meaning and may refer to any task or duty assigned to someone.
- Lunch (昼食)
- Synonym: Midday meal (昼食)
- Usage: “Lunch” and “midday meal” both refer to the meal eaten in the middle of the day. “Lunch” is a common term used in everyday language, while “midday meal” may be used in more formal or descriptive contexts.
- Rain (雨)
- Synonym: Precipitation (降水)
- Usage: “Rain” refers specifically to water droplets falling from the sky. “Precipitation” is a broader term that includes rain, snow, sleet, and hail, encompassing all forms of water falling from the atmosphere.
- Party (パーティー)
- Synonym: Celebration (祝賀)
- Usage: While “party” generally refers to a social gathering or event where people come together to celebrate or have fun, “celebration” has a broader meaning and can refer to any joyful or festive occasion.
- Dinner (夕食)
- Synonym: Supper (夕食)
- Usage: “Dinner” and “supper” both refer to the evening meal, typically eaten after the workday is done. The choice between the two terms may vary based on regional or cultural preferences.
- Discussion (議論)
- Synonym: Conversation (会話)
- Usage: “Discussion” and “conversation” both involve the exchange of ideas, opinions, or information between two or more people. However, “discussion” often implies a more formal or focused exchange, while “conversation” can be more casual and wide-ranging.
English Sentence | Japanese Translation |
I have a lot of homework to finish tonight. | 今夜、終わらせるべき 宿題 がたくさんあります。 |
Let’s watch a movie at the cinema tonight. | 今夜は映画館で 映画 を見ましょう。 |
We’re playing soccer in the park this afternoon. | 今日の午後は公園で サッカー をしています。 |
What are your plans for the weekend? | 週末の予定は何ですか? |
Our team has a new project to work on. | 私たちのチームには新しい プロジェクト があります。 |
Let’s have lunch together tomorrow. | 明日は一緒に 昼食 をしましょう。 |
Don’t forget your umbrella; it might rain later. | 傘を忘れないでください。後で 雨 が降るかもしれません。 |
Are you going to the party this Saturday? | 今週の土曜日にその パーティー に行きますか? |
I’m cooking dinner for us tonight. | 今夜は私が私たちの 夕食 を作ります。 |
Let’s have a discussion about our plans. | 私たちの計画について 議論 をしましょう。 |
1. (You/watch/it?) Are you watching it? No, you can turn it off.
2. (You/go/now?) Are you going now? Yes, see you tomorrow.
3. (It/rain?) Is it raining? No, not at the moment.
4. (You/enjoy/the film?) Are you enjoying the film? Yes, it’s very funny.
5. (That clock/work?) Is that clock working? No, It’s broken.
6. (You/wait/for a bus?) Are you waiting for a bus? No, for taxi.
English Sentence | Japanese Translation |
(You/read/a book?) Are you reading a book? | 本を読んでいますか? |
(She/visit/her friend?) Is she visiting her friend? | 彼女は友達を訪ねていますか? |
(It/snow?) Is it snowing? | 雪が降っていますか? |
(You/like/the music?) Do you like the music? | その音楽が好きですか? |
(He/play/soccer?) Is he playing soccer? | 彼はサッカーをしていますか? |
(She/study/English?) Is she studying English? | 彼女は英語を勉強していますか? |
- (Is/working/Ben/today) Is Ben working today?
- (What/the children/are/doing) What are the children doing?
- (You/are/listening/to me) Are you listening to me?
- (Where/your friends/are/going) Where are your friends going?
- (Are/watching/your parents/TV) Are your parents watching TV?
- (What/Jessica/is/cooking) What is Jessica cooking?
- (Why/you/are/looking/at me) Why are you looking at me?
- (Is/coming/the bus) Is the bus coming?
- (They/playing/are/soccer?) Are they playing soccer?
- (Where/your sister/is/traveling?) Where is your sister traveling?
- (It/raining/is/today?) Is it raining today?
- (She/reading/what/is?) What is she reading?
- (Why/crying/you/are?) Why are you crying?
- (He/watching/TV/is?) Is he watching TV?
- (You/singing/in/the shower?) Are you singing in the shower?
- (What/the cat/chasing/is?) What is the cat chasing?
English Word | Japanese Translation |
Accomplish | 達成する |
Acquaintance | 知人 |
Adversity | 逆境 |
Ambiguous | 曖昧な |
Appreciation | 感謝 |
Auspicious | 幸先の良い |
Conscientious | 誠実な |
Consecutive | 連続した |
Deteriorate | 悪化する |
Eloquent | 雄弁な |
Exemplary | 模範的な |
Fortitude | 不屈の精神 |
Inevitable | 避けられない |
Intuition | 直感 |
Resilient | 回復力のある |
Tenacious | 固執する |
Prerequisite | 必要条件 |
Reconciliation | 和解 |
Substantiate | 証明する |
Ubiquitous | 至る所にある |
- She demonstrated fortitude in the face of adversity. (彼女は逆境に対して不屈の精神を示した。)
- His eloquent speech moved the audience to tears. (彼の雄弁なスピーチが聴衆を涙へと動かした。)
- It is important to accomplish your goals one step at a time. (目標を一歩一歩達成することが重要です。)
- Despite facing several obstacles, she remained resilient and never gave up. (いくつかの障害に直面しても、彼女は回復力があり、決して諦めませんでした。)
- The auspicious weather forecast suggested a perfect day for the event. (幸先の良い天気予報は、イベントに最適な日であることを示唆していました。)
- Learning from adversity can make you stronger in the long run. (逆境から学ぶことは、長期的にはあなたを強くすることができます。)
- His intuition told him that something was not right. (彼の直感は何かがおかしいと彼に教えました。)
- The company’s conscientious approach to customer service set it apart from its competitors. (会社の誠実な顧客サービスへの取り組みは、競合他社との差別化を図りました。)
- The reconciliation between the two nations was a significant step toward peace. (両国の和解は平和に向けた重要な一歩でした。)
- She possessed all the prerequisites for success in her chosen field. (彼女は選んだ分野で成功するためのすべての前提条件を持っていました。)
April Fool’s Day, celebrated on April 1st each year, is a day filled with fun and playful pranks. On this day, people around the world engage in harmless tricks and jokes to lighten the mood and bring laughter to others.
The origins of April Fool’s Day are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have started in France in the 16th century when the Gregorian calendar was adopted and New Year’s Day was moved from late March to January 1st.
Those who continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1st were called “April fools” and became the subject of jokes and ridicule. Today, April Fool’s Day is celebrated with lighthearted pranks such as telling fake stories, playing practical jokes, and creating amusing hoaxes.
Common pranks include putting salt in the sugar bowl, setting up whoopee cushions, or sending fake messages. However, it’s important to remember that April Fool’s Day should be fun for everyone involved, and pranks should be harmless and not hurtful.
It’s a day to enjoy a good laugh with friends and family, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come. So, get ready to embrace the playful spirit of April Fool’s Day and enjoy the laughter and joy it brings!

English Word | Japanese Meaning |
April Fool’s Day | エイプリールフールの日 |
celebration | 祝祭 |
pranks | いたずら |
jokes | 冗談 |
origins | 起源 |
Gregorian calendar | グレゴリオ暦 |
adopted | 採用された |
ridicule | あざけり |
lighthearted | 軽快な |
sugar bowl | 砂糖入れ |
whoopee cushion | ピーピークッション |
hoaxes | いたずら |
harmless | 無害の |
hurtful | 傷つける |
cherished | 大切にされる |
embrace | 受け入れる |
laughter | 笑い |
joy | 喜び |
Use ChatGPT
• Write a conversation at a bank.
• Write a conversation at a bank about [scenario].
• Write a conversation between a customer support representative and a customer calling about a refund.
• Write a conversation between [person 1] and [person 2] about [subject]. (for example: “between a bus driver and a passenger about not paying for a ticket)
• Write a conversation between three strangers about the [topic] (for example: finance, movies, sports, theatre, cars, etc).
• Write a conversation between two friends about [a specific topic].
• Can you rewrite this conversation and add a conflict?
Creating Monologues & Dialogues
• Write a dialogue between two women that is similar in style to the TV show “Law and Order”.
• Write a monologue about a broken heart.
• Write a mystery scene between two characters.
• Write a scene between two characters like a scene from the TV show Friends.
• Write a short TED talk about climate change.
• Write a speech that would sound like Michelle Obama.
Write a short story using as many [are you doing (present continuous questions) ] as possible.
Title: A Day of Surprises
Once upon a time in a bustling city, there lived a mischievous girl named Lily. One sunny morning, Lily woke up with a mischievous gleam in her eye. She tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen, where her mom was cooking breakfast.
“Mom, are you doing the dishes?” Lily asked innocently, her mind already racing with plans for April Fool’s Day.
Her mom chuckled, “Yes, dear, I’m just finishing up. Why do you ask?”
Lily grinned mischievously, “Oh, nothing, just making sure. Are you doing anything important today?”
Her mom raised an eyebrow suspiciously, “No, not really. Just the usual chores. Why do you ask?”
Lily tried to hide her excitement, “Oh, just curious. Well, I’m off to school now!”
As soon as she arrived at school, Lily spotted her best friend, Emily. “Hey, Emily! Are you doing anything after school?” Lily asked eagerly.
Emily shook her head, “Nope, not really. Why?”
Lily smirked, “Oh, no reason. Just wondering if you’re free for some fun later.”
Throughout the day, Lily continued to ask her friends and classmates innocent-sounding questions, all the while planning her elaborate pranks for April Fool’s Day.
Finally, when the school bell rang signaling the end of the day, Lily gathered her friends together and revealed her master plan. They spent the rest of the afternoon pulling off hilarious pranks and laughing until their sides hurt.
As the sun began to set, Lily returned home, her heart full of joy and laughter. She hugged her mom tightly and whispered, “Mom, are you doing anything important right now?”
Her mom smiled warmly, “No, Lily, nothing important. Just spending time with my favorite prankster.”
And as they shared a laugh together, Lily knew that April Fool’s Day had been a day to remember, filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

Practice Conversation with ChatGPT
- Let’s have a back-and-forth conversation about [topic].